
You may ask what is best, and I will say what you like.


If you are refuted, I will tell you to keep advancing and never give up.

观看FarEast Cycles主理人的故事


BMX is short for bicycle motocross, and people often associate it with street culture. What’s more, BMX is a spark generated as a unique culture collides with different ages, and is also a spirit of determination, fearlessness and defending their ideals.


From the initial special-interest culture to the event of Olympic Games in 2008, BMX is constantly telling its own stories to the world with its own charm.

BMX FEC的诞生更像是一个新纪元的打开,2010年的某天一天,一名南宁的BMX选手由于在市面上买不到适合自己的车架,于是就萌生了自己设计生产BMX车架的想法,于是经过时间和实践的经验积累,在2013年几位同样热爱极限运动的小伙伴一拍即合,成立了一家公司:FEC

The birth of BMX FEC is more like the starting of a new era. One day in 2010, a BMX player in Nanning could not buy a suitable frame for himself in the market, so he gave birth to the idea of designing BMX frame by himself. After a period of time and practical experience accumulated, he established a company called FEC with some extreme sports enthusiasts in 2013.

通过不断的反复实验,了解人体和产品之间的契合度,以及对于每一个零件专业材质的极致追求,设计出最适合车手本身的产品,并且突破传统的束缚,创造出了不同结构的CHiNA BB

Through repeated experiments to understand the fit between the human body and the product, as well as the ultimate pursuit of each part in professional material, the product most suitable for the drivers is worked out, and the tradition is broken through, thus CHiNA BB with different structure is created.


Time is the best proof, because of this love of BMX, as well as the tireless progress and the spirit of excellence, FEC lives up to expectations and creates its own place in the BMX world.


Today FEC is sponsoring many of the most influential players in the world, and FEC products are available in dozens of countries, so that the best products can be brought to everyone who loves BMX.


Like the spirit that BMX brings to us, insisting and never giving up, we are bringing our quality to everybody who likes BMX, and delivering this spirit to each person.



公司旗下在十五年前打造出一个专业的FEC BMX,经过十五年的发展和扩大,品牌构建了更具规模化和现代化的自主生产工厂,并且更加专业的为BMX提供零件的加工和生产。这一切都是源于创始人韦先生原创设计创立的FEC小轮车品牌,秉承了最初的本心。


为了更好的打入人们的视野,公司还特别邀请了来自加拿大的职业车手简威廉(Jean William)、来自中国的职业车手(吴家剑)等作为品牌的形象代言人,起到一个更好的推广品牌的作用。

秉承着对BMX的热爱和最初的本心,在经历了多年来的风风风雨雨, FEC更加成熟和专业,在今后的无数个春秋里,我们将用质量成就品牌,用品牌传递文化。


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