与威廉对话 Interview with Jean William
  1. 请给那些还不认识你的人介绍一下你自己

Please introduce yourself to those who don't know you.

My name is Jean William Prévost, my friends call me Dub, though I am known as 威廉 (WeILian) in China and ダブ (Dabu) in Japan

我的名字叫Jean William Prévost,我的朋友们叫我Dub,尽管我在中国被称为“威廉”,在日本被称为“ダブ”

 2. 说说你与FEC的故事

Tell me your story with the FEC.

In 2009, one round of the CHINA CX-GAMES tour/competition was taking place at the amusement park where I was working in Beijing doing shows for Happy Valley. During that competition my riding was noticed by FEC and I received a phone call from Ashao who offered me to start riding FEC parts and represent his brand, I instantly agreed and I have been riding and contributing ideas to the genius and resilience of Ashao and his brand ever since. FEC has been an integral part in my success as a pro rider for the last 13 years. 


3. 优秀的零件对你平常练习有着怎样的影响?

How does good bike part affect your daily training?

FEC parts has improved my experience on the Flatland bike, reducing weight in key areas on key components. The brand has continuously improved on making genuine and authentic BMX Flatland product innovations. I can proudly say I have contributed to spreading the brand across the planet, and seeing countless other riders enjoying FEC parts rejoices me on the daily.


4. 聊聊对你BMX生涯影响比较大的一件事或者一个人?

Talk about an event or person that has influenced your BMX career.

The most formative years in the direction I took on my bike were the earlier ones, the first 4 years from 16 to 20 years old were spent with a group of 4 other riders in Montreal & Quebec City, Canada. Simon Marsan, Jason Plourde, Mike Lubensky and JF Boulianne, these 4 guys in that order, they had the most impact on my riding directly and indirectly throughout the earlier years. It was such a pleasure to have such a sweet crew to travel, compete and practice with in my youth and I will forever look back on those times as some of the happiest and most progressive sessions of my life! At 18 years old, I was borrowing my dad’s pickup truck and we were driving to places such as NYC, Myrtle Beach, Indianapolis, Joplin or even closer like Toronto or Trois-Rivières for jams & competitions.

在我骑自行车的方向上最具形成性的几年是早些时候,从16岁到20岁的前4年是在加拿大蒙特利尔和魁北克市与其他4名车手一起度过的。Simon Marsan, Jason Plourde, Mike Lubensky和JF Boulianne,这四个人按顺序排列,他们在早期直接或间接地对我的骑行产生了最大的影响。在我年轻的时候,有这样一个甜蜜的团队一起旅行、比赛和训练是如此的高兴,我将永远回顾那些时光,把它们作为我生命中最快乐和最进步的时期!18岁时,我借了父亲的皮卡车,我们开车去纽约、默特尔比奇、印第安纳波利斯、乔普林等地,甚至更近的多伦多或三河城参加活动和比赛。

5. 我们都知道你曾经多次到访中国,中国对于你的BMX生涯来说是一个怎样的存在?

We all know that you have been to China many times. How has China been a part of your BMX career?

Changsha, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Xian, Puyang, Nanning, Shanghai, Qingdao, Nanjing, Chengdu, Beijing, Tianjin, Kunming, Lijiang, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhaoqing, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou, Chongqing, ShangriLa, Shenyang, ETC…

Those are a small selection of cities I have visited from 2007 to 2019, since I haven’t been able to return to China since the ‘’pandemic’’ was declared. China is not only part of my BMX career, but an integral part of my life and growth as a person/human being, from 20 to 25 years old, most of those years were spent there, you learn a lot when you are in your early twenties, so I can say I sort of grew up in China in a weird kind of back and forth way. The opportunities to do shows in China while my level was at a sketchy intermediary level, really gave me the chance to make my level higher and gain experience in front of crowds, building my confidence and fighting my demons until I was invited to go to Circle of Balance in 2012 in Kyoto, Japan. That was a take-off / special moment, and I made 3rd on the podium, for I feared humiliating myself so much I had practiced more than ever in the months leading up to that event, while I was replacing a injured rider in Chengdu Happy Valley for 4 months of that summer. So many experiences taken from China have made me the person that I am today and I will forever be grateful for those opportunities. If I had to do it all over again I would do it exactly the same way!


这些都是我从2007年到2019年访问过的一小部分城市,因为自从宣布“新冠大流行”以来,我就没能回到中国。中国不仅是我小轮车事业的一部分,也是我人生和成长中不可或缺的一部分,从20岁到25岁,我的大部分时间都在那里度过,你在20岁出头的时候会学到很多东西,所以我可以说我在中国以一种奇怪的方式成长起来。当我的水平处于一个大致的中间水平时,在中国做演出的机会真的给了我一个提高自己水平的机会,并在人群面前积累了经验,建立了我的信心,战胜了我的恶魔,直到2012年我被邀请去日本京都的Circle of Balance。那是一个起飞的、特殊的时刻,我在领奖台上获得了第三名,因为我太害怕羞辱自己了,所以在那次比赛前的几个月里,我比以往任何时候都练习得更多,而那年夏天我在成都欢乐谷顶替了一位受伤的骑手,花了4个月的时间。在中国的许多经历造就了今天的我,我将永远感激这些机会。如果让我重新来过,我会用完全一样的方法来做!

6. 你的个人风格是如何形成的?

How did you develop your personal style?

If we are talking about riding style then I think it is a mix of things. Nothing happens on it’s own, we all influence eachother in the World, maybe I saw trick ideas where others so impossibilities, or maybe I just took those ideas as challenges to uplift myself and the sport in those moments, I can’t say there was an actual plan to all of this, things just kind of happen. You have to be open to new ideas and work hard on them, especially if you don’t see it out there already, that is the sign that you should work on it even harder.


7. 对于那些还在寻找个人风格的人有怎样的建议?

What advice do you have for those who are still searching for personal style

Keep all doors open, try harder and don’t at the same time, look where others don’t. Explore ideas that make you uncomfortable. Snap out of your ruts! Sometimes the simplest of ideas are the best of ideas. Einstein said ‘’Genius is making complex ideas simple, not making simple ideas complex’’. Apply that to FLATLAND !

让所有的门都敞开,更加努力,但不要同时去看别人没有看到的地方。探索那些让你不舒服的想法。跳出你的窠臼!有时候最简单的想法就是最好的想法。爱因斯坦说:“天才是把复杂的想法简单化,而不是把简单的想法复杂化。”将其应用于FLATLAND !

8. 拿一个世界冠军与像新手一样快乐的玩耍哪个对于你来说更重要?

What is more important to you, winning a world championship or playing happy like a beginner?

WOW, what a question! I mean, hmmm. The variety of experiences in the domain is what can keep me happy. Too much lonely riding time is killer. Too many events drains your energy. You must find balance between all of the available aspects of the sport/artform. 


9. 你得到拿过许多的奖项,这些荣誉对于你来说是怎样的存在?

You have received many awards. What do these awards mean to you?

It seems like life has a way to make you strive for something you don’t have, aside from being happy and fulfilled receiving awards, maybe the fact that they contributed to me accepting myself the way that I am is the most important part. I hope that in the future I don’t need recognition to feel at peace, but it seems like getting your hard work recognized is just as important as the fruit of the labor or at least it brings joy seeing others experiencing your contribution joyfully, or something like that


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